Maslow graphic location window not showing negative Y values

I was trying to set home to lower left corner and got confused when I jogged the Maslow4 to that location. The left pane graphic that shows Maslow4 location showed it traveling all the way to left, but it would never show negative Y movement. If I jogged M4 up, I would see positive movement, but jogging down to Y: -200 and the pink location dot went down to Y:0 and then stopped, even though X,Y location numbers correctly showed Y: -200 and the actual Maslow4 also moved to negative 200.

OK, It may just be that the graphic screen doesn’t refresh because if I click on it 2 ro 3 times it starts to show the correct Y location (my bad)

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That’s interesting, I haven’t run into that, but if it is repeatable let us know and I’ll fix it!

I have something similar, working in the lower half of the frame but the image still showed it roughly central. For me clicking the image a few times made no difference, though it was mid run and I didn’t want to mess too much. The cut was awful, so I was wondering if it had got lost in terms of where it thought it was. I’ll be paying more attention to the graphic before starting the next run

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