Motor encoder question

I opened up our Z axis motor to verify the gear ratio and if my calculations are correct it is 50:1 which is one of the ratios on etonms web site so hopefully more than a coincidence. but I’m not a gear expert so if anyone can please double check my work:

the encoder is 3 pulses per revolution so:
3ppr x 50 = 150
150 x 4 = 600 for encoder count settings
our C beam Z axis either has a pitch of 2mm or 8mm depending on what kit you got. 2mm threads look almost horizontal, while 8mm threads have a noticible tilt to them.

As @madgrizzle mentions above the firmware is coded for the original 12.6rpm of the orginal motor. so times both by 7 so:
4200 encoder and 14 pitch (assuming 2mm pitch, if 8mm then it would be 56pitch)
if you want it even faster then times by 8:
4800 encoder and 16 pitch or
Times by 9 = 5400 encoder and 18 pitch

The encoder count settings and pitch need to be entered here in the hidden advanced settings menu:

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