Motors Aren't Connecting/Powering On


I’ve been trying to work my way through the calibration on my new Maslow, but I’m having trouble with my motors. I was able to get everything up and running successfully once, but had trouble on my second go around. I hooked everything back up but am struggling this time.

I’m able to upload the maslow files to the Arduino successfully, but when I try to calibrate the machine, I run in to a snag. When I go to run the chain from the left motor to the right motor, the motor doesn’t run continuously. It pulses and only moves about 10% of the requested amount (ie I push the button to let out 100 mm on ground control and I only get 10 or so mm). If I skip the rest of the steps and go to the main screen to test the motors/encoders, I get failures of all the motors in both directions. I can hear them move a little bit, but obviously not to the test routine’s satisfaction.

I’m trying to do a little troubleshooting and I think I might have a problem with the AC adapter. I’ve noticed that the blue indicator light on the AC adapter box and the 12 V indicator light on the Arduino shield both blink in time with the pulsing of the motors. I’ve cleaned all the connection points, and tried using different outlets wired to different circuits in the house and everything still pulses/blinks.

My main question is: does the 12 V indicator light on the shield usually blink?
Also, can anybody recommend an AC adapter that I can pick up at a hobby or electronics shop?


Those lights should not blink, that’s puzzling. The 12V is plugged into the motor board, not the Arduino, right?
You haven’t mentioned what versions you are using, v0.98 is current and is well worth updating.
When you download the Firmware, there is a second sketch included, ‘test_electronics_firmware’. This just runs the motors back and forth, best tried with the chains and z-motor detached. It will spoil any current chain calibration, but would separate the issue from the firmware. Does that run, do the leds blink, is it different if you run it with one or both motors unplugged?

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What area are you located? I will see if I can locate someplace for you.

Thank you

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Thanks for reaching out. I’m in Austin, TX but I actually just ordered
this on amazon:

I think it’s the right one, but would certainly appreciate a second set of
eyes from somebody who actually knows what they’re looking at.


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This looks correct - for TX - I’d say you could check with Frys or MicroCenter. I often steal power supplies from stuff around the house. Of course I also have the equivalent of a small electronics store in my house. I have a 12v 2Amp from a set of powered PC speakers or anther one from a rounter. I often use this for testing. So i’m suggesting you look around to see if you can power the shield from something you have around the house to see you can get a steady 12v light on the shield.

PS - I know how far away Frys and Microcenter are , it’s best I can do from California

Thank you

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Thanks for the response! Quick answers to your questions:

-I’m running version 0.98 of the firm ware
-I am plugging the power into the shield and the USB from my computer to the port on the Arduino

I haven’t had a chance to set up my Maslow again to run that electronics test – time and space in my “shop” (aka the garage) are a serious commodity. However, even when I plug in just the power converter, the indicator light on the brick part flashes. The flashing gets much more pronounced when I plug in the shield/arduino even if I don’t connect the motors or try uploading the firmware. I’m pretty sure that adapter is toast and have tried sourcing on to be delivered this afternoon or evening. Fingers crossed, will report back with results.

Thanks again,


Cool, thanks for checking. I tried Fry’s this morning. Their website said they had something that might work but it wasn’t actually in stock despite what the website said. I’m not familiar with Microcenter, but will read up on it as my plan b.

I tried scavenging a power supply but couldn’t find anything that is 5 amp. If a 2 amp is enough, I may go back through my box o’ leftover electronics and see if I can find something to at least calibrate the temporary frame.

Thanks again,

From what you have said - it is the power supply. An 2 A may not be enough to “run” on but I think you could see the shield is powered, not flickering and probably run 1 motor for testing. I want to be sure the power is the only problem.

Thank you

I agree with the consensus that it’s a power issue. The LED on the shield should never blink, if it goes out that means the shield is losing power. The blue LED on the power supply should also never blink. If it is blinking that either means the power supply is losing power for some reason, or the internal short circuit protection is kicking in.

If you send your address to we’ll send you a new power supply and a new arduino shield (just in case) right away! I’m really sorry for the trouble!

If you do get a 2A power supply to test with I would bet that it will mostly work. It might struggle to provide enough power near the top of the sheet where tension in the chains is the highest.

Again, we’re so sorry for the trouble and we will send you a new one right away!


Hello Bar,

I tracked down a new AC adapter and it appears to work. I haven’t had a chance to hook everything back up together, but it powers the shield such that the voltage light is on and solid. I was planning on reporting back to this thread once I put it through its paces.

If I’m still having trouble, I’ll get back in touch. In the meantime, thanks everybody for all the help.



Is the adapter plugged into the motor controller shield or the arduino board? I messed up my first time and plugged it into the arduino board and the motors didn’t move. Just checking it’s not something simple.


I thought of that but it should never cause the light at the PS to flash, so the issue is down stream before it hits the board. Having done this type of support it’s best to TS as far in as you can to identify everything you need to send to avoid additional delays.

I applaud @bar for being thorough and sending “just in case” parts.

Thank you


Hello again everybody-

Just wanted to give a quick update: The new power converter from Amazon did the trick. I had some time this morning and was able to get my Maslow up, running and calibrated.

Thanks again everybody for the help.


Fantastic!! I’m glad to hear that. Great work determining the issue and fixing it!

I’m in Austin as well. Have you gotten set up and cutting yet?

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