Never used Maslow for sale - SOLD

I was one of the early adopters from Kickstarter, however I was in the middle of moving when I got my kit and long story short, I don’t have anywhere to set it up now that we are settled so I figured it is time to let it go. I have the original kit, with z-axis, and I also have the ring kit that I ordered separately. Everything is still in the original packaging and everything, anyone interested? Original kit was $350, z-axis was $60, ring kit was $45 so I’m in it for $455, if anyone is interested shoot me an offer and we will see if we can make a deal.


What’s the best price you can do to the Uk?

Hi Derek, Honestly I have never shipped anything outside of the US, so I really don’t know what it would cost for shipping. We can always do a call tag option if you want so you can pick the best option.

i’m interested, lets talk.

check the flat rate shipping from the post office, it’s probably going to be
your best bet.

David Lang

Is this still available?
I’m very interested!

Is this still available?

Is the Maslow still available?

This offer was from early June, and the poster last visited the forum in late June (click on the poster’s icon and look at seen) , I recommend you try one of the more recent offers

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