No Heartbeat Detected for 10 seconds using Maslow.local - login screen displayed instead

We’ve had no trouble at all in logging in for the past few weeks using Maslow.local.
Yesterday we tried to log in in the same manner, but were met with a login screen (attached). Curiously, the title description at the address bar of the web browser turned to “AXIS P3228-LVE”

We do have a number of cameras on our system, but this has never happened before.

Does Maslow.local just redirect to an IP? Could I have a new duplicate IP problem? Don’t know? Thanks for your help!

This is different then the Issue I was having. I would login to your router. and look at the IP address of the Maslow, and also the IP Address of any of your cameras.

Once you find the Maslow on your network, cross reference the IP address with all other IPS. you may also want to set a reservation on the IP for the maslow since it will be turned on and off. when a device goes on and off line with out a reservation another device may take that IP address.

I’m wondering if maslow.local got associated with a particular IP address (perhaps in an arp table?) and then the actual IP address the maslow was using got changed (or the maslow went completely off network). Then your network reassigned that IP address to your AXIS P3228-LVE camera. Caveat: I’m not a networking expert, but I’d messed with them just enough to be dangerous.

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I thought Bar once showed a feature of Maslow that allows it communicate its IP address by strobing a single LED? That may be helpful feature to look into to help tou diagnose any conflicts.