I purchased an M2 back in 2000 and I am just getting the time to get it all working. So I got the sled built and the motors all connected, I updated the firmware on the due/Arduino, and when I push the jog button, only one motor will do anything. I have checked the wires over and over and over again and they are all plugged in firmly. I tried flipping the wires around and got nothing, does this mean my motors are bad? is there something wrong with the Due shield?
How do I troubleshoot the motors?
Is there a wiring diagram available so I can signal the motor manually and see if it will respond?
Is there a diagnostic program that I can run on the Arduino and Due boards??
I just got my machine setup a few weeks ago and had an issue where the right motor didn’t move. It turned out to be a cable that had transposed wires. You may want to look at the wires very closely to make sure the color code is consistent. If the cables look okay, you can try swapping the cables to see if there is a change. If the motor works with the cable swap, you will have narrowed down the issue to the cable.
If not you can try running the right from the left port and the left from the right and do a movement test. If that fails you likely have a bad daughter board or Due board.