Does anyone know where to find replacement motors for the original M1/M2 XY-axis and Z-axis motors? I know they can be ordered from MakerMade, but those seem a bit high and I may end up replacing 6 (I have two setups).
While I’m at it, has anyone upgraded them to 24V motors? In addition to the motors, I assume it would require swapping out the motor controller shield.
Eventually I may upgrade to the M4, but for now I really need to make these work from some tasks I need to get done in the next few weeks.
also be aware that makermade is an independent company that clones the original
maslow and then made a variation of it. We do not have the software to drive it
and are going to be limited in what we can do to help.
Thanks, it’s the things like the gear ratio and pin configuration I was trying to confirm. I found some similar ones, but the details of the original are what’s unclear. I will probably pull one of the gearboxes apart tomorrow if no one replies before then.
If I find a replacement that works I’ll post it back here in case someone else has the same issue.
Thanks, it’s the things like the gear ratio and pin configuration I was trying
to confirm. I found some similar ones, but the details of the original are
what’s unclear. I will probably pull one of the gearboxes apart tomorrow if
no one replies before then.
the manufactures change things enough that I wouldn’t trust that anything you
could buy now would exactly match what was purchased back then.
I don’t remember if there is a pulse-per-rev and a mm-per-rev or just a
pulse-per-mm in the firmware settings, but the flexibility is there to use
anything. What we were using was rated at 2A with 30kg-cm of torque, and for the
original maslow, the driver chips could not hangle more current than that (they
were at their limit at 2a)