Process from Onshape to G Code


I am attempting my first project (beside the sled) and i am stuck.

I though a simple stool from Open desk would be a good first project.
I went to the site and downloaded the .DXT file. First i tried opening directly in Inkscape and got an error.
Next i figured i would open in Onshape and follow Bars instructions here (Onshape to dxf help) and i cant export or copy or paste to just make one. I get the image attached.

I know this is a very Noob question and the community help is appricated.

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I’ve found that working with the files from Open Desk can be a hassle. I’ve had good luck opening them in QCAD and then saving them from there.

I will look into the OnShape method and see what I can figure out. I’m planning to make a OnShape to Gcode video really soon using Kiri:Moto


Thanks for the quick response ill try QCad. Open desk and your community garden will be my main place to get designs until i learn cad better.

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QCad worked perfect. was able to get what i needed in the 15min free time. Thanks again. what support!!!

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