Me too! I’ve been watching my email!
Noooooo, ordered Dec 4th…what was I thinking.
Lol. I was January 29th. Maybe they will slip me in because I want it so bad. Been a dream my whole life to have a cnc.
I know that feeling. Kickstarter said I would be the first and I got it last I guess.
That has more to do with my remote location and customs in this country then with anything else.
The amazing logistic challenges the founders solve and pull through heavily impresses me.
Dec 27 for me guess I will have plenty of time to build my default frame
My order number was in the high 6xxx
I hope that included the first batch and bits and accessories.
But on the other hand my bits came as couple days of my order
My order number was in the mid 5xxx range, and I placed my order 4 minutes after receiving the e-mail saying that the orders were open on Dec 1st. Sounds like they have sold a lot of Maslows!
71xx range.
5xxx. Woot! Ordered 3hr 25 min after it opened on Dec 1st.
I built my temporary? First frame in anticipation today.
it isn’t pretty but I think it’ll do.#68XX lol
Looks great. Here is mine, sitting all alone and waiting for that box.
Looks like you followed the instructions a bit more closely =)
with the new frame design, you don’t need a temporary frame.
Yep. So all of those waiting should go pick up the wood and start building.
Order Number: #066XX (placed on December 14, 2017). I waited to the last minute of the waitlist window to debate with my fiance why I should or shouldn’t get it. She was completely in agreement that I should get it, I was a little shocked. I had all the pros and cons etc ready to argue. I was really confused by her reaction.
Sounds like a keeper!
Anybody who has a Maslow in the UK know how much to pay in import duty and taxes?
Packing went REALLY well this weekend. Having the extra help made all the difference in the world and we were able to get 90% of the boxes packed. Having an assembly line where each person just put one item in the box and passed it along was the key. We now just need to attach shipping labels and customs forms and get the boxes picked up, we’re hoping to have every box shipped by the end of the week!
I shot some time-lapse footage of the boxes filling up and it’s so satisfying to watch
Do we get to see it too?!? Thanks for all of your hard work and effort! You are building quite a following here, and rightly so. Your interactions with your community are top notch!
Thank you - Henry Ford for making the assembly line process method work so well.
My favorite Henry ford story -
He made the company that supplied the crank shaft use a specific sized crate. In specific locations on the sides of the crate they were to cut two square holes and another location a round hole and glue them back in. When the parts were received workers removed the the glued parts and installed the sides as the floor board of the Model T. The holes were for Clutch, Break, and Gas pedals.
Work smarter not harder. Thank you Bar and Hanna for all you hard work.
@eppic I suspect @bar is hard at work making sure the shipments get out and the time - laps footage will show up later.
Thank you
Thanks for the OT this weekend!