Squarespace refused to send some order confirmation emails, but that hasn’t stopped us from getting them sent out so it might just be an issue with the email not sending. If you shoot an email to info@maslowcnc.com we can let you know!
Just got mine on my doorstep in DC! Order 59xx
Got mine Saturday! It actually came two days ahead of schedule. Merry Christmas to me.
Email sent! (Well two emails because after I clicked send on the first one I realized I had given the wrong order number on the first one ) let me know!
Good to know there’s another Maslovian in the DC Metro area!
Yes, I saw you on the “map”, and there is another near Union Market who contacted me who is not on the map. My email is JakeCorbin without any vowels at Gmail. We should all meet up!
Sounds good, though I am not sure when I’ll have time to get together. Though the Science and Engineering festival is coming up next weekend, and I’ll be in DC with my family from Friday night to Sunday afternoon. Maybe we can find time to get together for a drink and design session.
My gmail is keithdepew.
Landed today.
$79.52CDN for HST and “handling”
I don’t recall ever paying for handling/brokerage for USPS before, but it beats UPS’s $25 brokerage.
Handling was $9.95
It has a big YQT on it so it was flown here.
Just got back from Maryland.
My order has been shipped I should get mines tomorrow thanks u
Maslow made it out of customs!
For the UK Maslow people that don’t already have theirs, customs and brokerage fees where £83 sterling and some pennies. Which is surprisingly low, but I’m not complaining!
Should be here tomorrow, very excited! Anybody else in the UK receive there’s yet for this round?
the eagle has landed repeat the eagle has landed
Let us know if you need any help.
Thank you
Here’s a timelapse video of the ADX fabrication team helping us to get these kits shipped!
I hereby nominate them for the project of the week
Project of the Week for March 27, 2018 Great minds…
This is a test…
If you want to see another anniversary better let the Box sit in the house until tomorrow. LOL
My Wife is understanding but if I went to the garge on our anniversary I’d be in the dog house for like 6 months.
I love the Video …
Thank you