It’s worth noting that the “founders” you had your correspondence with (Patrick Kinnamon, in particular, since you want to share the screenshots in public) was the former CEO who launched that Amazon page in July 2019. It seems like he is the culpable one here, having gone back on his word with you (see, it’s not the first time that’s happened because he’s fucked me as well).
I asked you to forward me the conversations and communications you had with the founders so my attorney could better understand the history - you refused and ignored my emails. I was willing to resolve this amicably if you only sent me the requested information.
You decided to go public with this in your defamatory video. I was clearly willing to work with you, but you escalated it.
The “M Maslow” logo is GPL-licensed in the public domain. You might want to get that cleared up.
Much of your names and logos are in the public domain on Github, with a variety of licenses - most of which are GPL-3.
Our lawyer spent four billable hours before you posted that video and gave the opinions mentioned in previous posts. I won’t spend another hour of his time until that video is removed.
And just to set the record straight with the community - MakerMade is not claiming the logo. (Which was the only thing registered to a company that dissolved five years ago in Oregon). Contrary to what agreements were made with Patrick, Patrick was the one who went against whatever conversations or agreements you had with him. I was trying to rectify and change that by diligently working with you, had you only replied to my emails with some simple and basic information I requested.
I’m very reasonable to deal with, and most people who know me know that. I like to resolve issues quickly after fully understanding the situation and coming up with a solution as to how it can be resolved that would be a win-win for all.
In early 2022, I was working diligently with the other two Maker Made partners to resolve their differences to see a split that would be a win-win for everyone. Patrick turned and fucked me when he cut out all the work I did with him on his “stand-up CNC machine,” which resulted in legal action taken and his termination - and it seems he fucked you, too, by backtracking on his word.
Here is how reasonable I am in trying to work with you…
I’ve made my point already in private how we can resolve this. You want to make it public and bully MakerMade. I have to go on defense to clear up any misconceptions. It sounds like lawyers need to be involved - this is way over my head now. As reasonable as I was in my emails, you clearly do not want to work with me for whatever reason despite how reasonable I have tried to be. Have Mike Atkins contact me, and I’ll put him in touch with our attorney.