Damn, I needed to get through my morning coffee…
@makermade is correct. There is no copy/intention at the moment to do a Maslow4 and it will never be a direct copy. However, since April 2019, Maker Made has been developing a wholly vertical and near-vertical CNC machine stolen by Patrick Kinnamon (former Maker Made CEO and LLC member of Maker Made) and a group of former contractors working directly for Maker Made LLC. This was a direct theft of IP and work-product owned by Maker Made, done illegally and using significant R&D and personnel resources of Maker Made. When this was discovered around April 2022, Patrick was terminated. Following that, contractors were terminated as more was discovered.
Maker Made LLC and/or makerhub LLC (the new company assuming some of Maker Made’s assets) has no claim to any Maslow CNC registered or pending trademarks, in any country. We do not have any claim to any Maslow CNC trademarks.
The only sales happening of the original Maslow CNC are selling whatever stock and inventory is left over from old inventory. Our kits come in Maker Made boxes with Maker Made instructions and supported by Maker Made (although I do know we cite the forums in our resources). Some very early kits from 2018/2019 reference some assembly instructions that I found here: Maslow Orders Open **1/2 Update Inside** SHIPPING NOW! - #72 by hxu
From my attorney’s research, we cite Maslow CNC in many instances, but none of that is considered trademark infringement. As far as the purple “M Maslow” trademark, there were three images on Amazon, put under Patrick’s watch as CEO that used a black logo of the mark. The “M Maslow” trademark that was trademarked under a separate entity dissolved a long time ago by Hannah (the 5-year defunct company recently did assign the trademark to Bar’s new company). As stated privately and publicly in this thread linked below, I had no control over those Amazon listings. We did not contest the removal of the listings or even re-list the product on Amazon. As I explained to Bar, I was working with the seller who owned that buy box on Amazon on behalf of Maker Made, as we were trying to clear inventory. I was also working with our attorney (read: NOT threatening to sue @bar or Maslow CNC):
I did, at some point, shortly after the defamatory Kickstarter video was posted, request it to be removed, or we may need to take legal action because, well, the video is defamatory and factually incorrect in many instances. As Bar keeps making defamatory remarks about MakerMade (like statements that Maker Made somehow trademarked Maslow CNC). So, I am forced to defend the company.
I state again that over the last 5 years, @EastBaySource @Metalmaslow and Maker Made have kept growing this “community” that wasn’t operating as a company for the past 5 years (Maslow CNC LLC was only incorporated in July 2023). It’s not a good thing to shit on the hand that feeds you, especially since Maker Made promoted your Kickstarter and was cheering you on.
Our China company has not produced any further stock or inventory of the original Maslow since the M2 was launched, except for a small batch that went to schools and was produced from leftover parts. We cite the Maslow CNC community project under Open Source licenses and generally as it was granted, and not much has changed since in 5 years.
I still stand by these past threads:
Bar knows how to get in touch with me and that I’m reasonable to work with, until I am crossed. If he wants to get lawyers involved, that’s also cool. It’s not my first rodeo.
And also this… Maker Made exists because of Bar and the community-supported Maslow CNC project. I wholeheartedly stand by the statement that Maker Made exists because of Bar and his product.
And furthermore, Bar’s own comments on his email lists, his website, and in forums blessed Maker Made when I was shipping the kits for Maker Made just over 5 years ago:
I am always happy to talk; I have been extremely friendly up until the defamation started happening until I had to get defensive on Kickstarter, Youtube, and this forum because we are being constantly defamed and slandered.