TLE5206 SMD PCB Boards available at cost - bare

I am from Puerto Rico, did board sustitud the Maslow board. How complicated is instal it. Thanks!


Would you please post a picture of the board? I think many are confused thinking these are a complete product, if you could maybe change the title to include “bare” it might help that too.

Thank you

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I have edited the root post with these details.


private message me. apple pay or paypal?

@rosssivertsen You might want to delete this private information and put it in a PM. Spambots will harvest and flood you with garbage and cold calls :wink:

Thanks will do.

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I received your board and the quality looks great.

Thank you

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All the boards I had to send out have been claimed. Thanks everyone.


deleting it from the web forum doesn’t delete it from anyone or anything that
subscribes via e-mail.

the e-mail address is something that goes out to anyone you ever communicate
with, and anyone on any e-mail list you talk to.

Trying to keep your e-mail secret is not a winning strategy.

David Lang (Computer Security Architect as my day job)

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I agree that it’s better not to post an email address in the forum. How safe it is to post it in a PM only your countrys secret service and internet provider knows.

Where can I find the Eagle files for the Through hole PCB. I have a friend who said he can have the board made for me.



They are in the Community Garden!

Here’s a direct link to download the files.

Thank you for your help:-)

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good day! and where can I order this board?

If you have the Eagle files, you can order through a board printing service such as OshPark. There are cheaper services out there, but OSHPark does just a few boards for you, has great turn around time, and makes quality boards (No, I am not affiliated with them, but have used them often in the past.)


What files Eagle ?

If you go to the link to the Community Garden that @blurfl provided earlier, you can download all the files needed. The second link he provided will download the zip folder directly.

Once you unzip the folder, inside is a sub folder called “Electronics”
In that folder is another subfolder called “Power Distribution”
In that folder are the .brd files that can be used to upload to a service like OSHPark to have the boards made. The .brd files are the Eagle files. Eagle CAD is a program that is used to make the .brd (or board) files.

Does that answer your question?


does anyone have boards for sale?

please note this is an assembled board. The boards discussed above are basically just the green board without all the components on them. if you are not an electronics person then it might be confusing

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was after blank boards ohs wanted almost s much as a complete unit for 3 blank boards,