Trouble Setting Home with M2

I just got my M2, August 2020, and was working through the installation. I was attempting to use CNCJs to set Home and make my first cut. The instructions I received are showing Makerverse and I did not see where to input the distance between motors and the motor offset. I uninstalled CNCJs and installed Makerverse and was able to get these metrics loaded. I went to set Home using the X and Y axis controls and the motors responded at first. I moved the motor 1 inch on X and 1 inch on Y. Somewhere the motors began making noise like they were functioning and then stopped working. I can no longer input commands to set home. I have deleted the software and redownloaded with the same results. Any help would be great. @MakerMadeCNC

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I would mention @MakerMadeCNC in the post. She/He seems to prefer contact by email address posted here in the Forum (would never do that on a public unmasked because of the spam-bots). Sad that the Forum gets no feedback this way to help.

Kind regards, Gero

Edit: Did you see this?

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I had not seen that video. It was helpful in confirming that I am attempting the calibration correctly.

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