Unable to enter Calibration process - Error Loop: “Extend belts fully”

I’ve rectracted and extended the belts many times and continue to get this error when I attempt to run the Calibration process “Cannot run calibration until all belts are extended fully”.

Any idea why I keep getting this message after extending belts many times?

My work area is 12’-0” Horizontal x 7’-10” Vertical and my config settings are as follows:
Machine Width: 3657.6 mm
Machine Height: 2387.6 mm
Orientation: Vertical
Calibration grid: 2000x1000 mm
Retraction Force: 2000

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is it possible that you need to extend the belts further? they need to go all
the way out until they stop, not just long enough to reach.

David Lang

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Yes, i pulled on them until they stopped. I can no longer pull any more of the belts.

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UPDATE: After many attempts, and raising the Retraction Force, I was finally able to get all the belts to retract.

Now I am having issues in calibration where I keep getting the WARNING FITNESS TOO LOW (my Fitness is 0.14738 for 100-1000)

Any suggestions on how to get a successful calibration using 12x8 ft work area on the concrete floor of my garage using rigid anchor bolts?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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It sounds like maybe there is something binding up in the system which is preventing the machine from taking precise measurements. When the machine takes each measurement do you see all four belts get tight?

Yes, all belts get very tight, and eventually I have to loosen belts, turn off machine, and start over

One of my belts spools a lot of extra belt, and eventually gets tangled in itself.
What else could be the problem?
I’m using 1800 for my retraction force - could that be too high and causing a problem?
My work area (centerline of concrete bolts) are 12 feet (3657mm) x 7 feet 8 inches (2387mm).
Grid spacing is 1000x1000, and I am now trying 7x7 to no avail.

Any suggestions as to what could be the culprit?

Here is the data from the last calibration I ran:

[MSG:INFO: Retracting all belts]
[MSG:INFO: Top Left pulled tight with offset -1793.581]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left pulled tight with offset -1969.374]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right pulled tight with offset -2080.707]
[MSG:INFO: Retracting all belts]<Home|MPos:0.000,0.000,-60.850|FS:0,0|WCO:0.000,0.000,-25.000>
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left pulled tight with offset -0.032]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right pulled tight with offset -0.011]
[MSG:INFO: Retracting all belts]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left pulled tight with offset 0.000]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right pulled tight with offset 0.000]
[MSG:INFO: Top Left pulled tight with offset -193.185]
[MSG:INFO: Top Right pulled tight with offset -3815.035]
[MSG:INFO: Extending all belts]
[MSG:INFO: All belts extended to center position]
[MSG:INFO: Setting z-stop position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 0]
[MSG:INFO: Center point deviation: TL: 0.017 TR: -0.009 BL: -3.457 BR: -0.725]
[MSG:ERR: Measurement error, measurements are not within 2.5 mm of each other, trying again]
[MSG:INFO: Max deviation: 73.953]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right 2353.561]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right 2405.512]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right 2396.130]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Right 2389.714]
[MSG:INFO: Top Right 2235.340]
[MSG:INFO: Top Right 2259.795]
[MSG:INFO: Top Right 2259.805]
[MSG:INFO: Top Right 2259.805]
[MSG:INFO: Top Left 2152.460]
[MSG:INFO: Top Left 2148.991]
[MSG:INFO: Top Left 2148.841]
[MSG:INFO: Top Left 2148.830]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left 2026.394]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left 1952.441]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left 1963.262]
[MSG:INFO: Bottom Left 1970.312]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 1]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 2]
[MSG:ERR: Unable to move safely, stopping calibration]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop! Stopping all motors]
[MSG:WARN: The machine will not respond until turned off and back on again]
[MSG:ERR: Unable to move safely, stopping calibration]

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This sounds excellent.

This for sure seems like something is wrong. It shouldn’t need to be that high.

This looks pretty decent, it seems like you have a pretty good calibration stored.

This is a bit of a red flag, this means it took two measurements in the same place and got different results. The fact that it moved on means that it took more measurements in the same place and they were consistent so maybe not the end of the world, but for sure something funky is happening.

I think that the place to start is to figure out why the retraction force needs to be so high.

The previous data I posted was actually using 1300 as my retraction force.

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This seems like a pretty good result so you have pretty good values for calibration.

This error message can be caused by lots of things, but it’s generally something funky happened in the internal math. I think that the next thing to try is to switch to a smaller grid like 500x500 mm and maybe 5x5 points and let’s see if that goes smoothly.

Thanks for your timely response Bar - I got further than I’ve ever got before using the smaller 500x500 @ 5x5 you suggested.

UPDATE: I was able to run calibrate a few times after getting the error message and it finally said complete! Also, when I attempted to further refine the grid using a 7x7 @ 1000x1000, I noticed in your video that you said to use “vertical format”. Now that I understand what this means as it relates to mounting surface, I changed it to “horizontal”. I think this was why I was getting all the extra slack on the belt during calibration. You might want to make that more clear in the documentation and video installation.

UPDATE 2: The problem I uncovered was that I had extra spooled belt that was crimped inside the take-up wheel. After running extensive extend-all, I was able to clear the kinks in the belt, and the calibration process went much smoother.

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Excellent progress, on my todo list for a software update is to have the machine automatically detect vertical vs horizontal orientation

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@bar Maybe we should change the wording to be more clear in the instructions to flat/tabletop and upright. Seems like this mistake pops up every now and again where the user has the orientation wrong.

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I’m super open to changing the wording, is there a particular spot that we can clarify it?

Once we have automatic detection working we won’t have to worry about it so much because it won’t be a user setting anymore.

How about “Table orientation” and “Wall orientation”


I love that!

Where is this setting? We just assembled a machine yesterday and every calibration we run keeps giving us the “Fitness to low error. Also is there any sort of direction on what value the retraction should be. The only thing we have to go off is the default 1300. That wasn’t enough to retract all of the belts for us.

That setting should be under the “config” button where the width and height of the frame are entered.

How low of fitness are you getting? That could tell us more about what’s going wrong.

I should have a completely redone calibration process ready this week.