Gwen: Interesting. How are the ribs attached? It looks like there is some kind of spacer involved. How much did it end up weighing? How many sheets of plywood? Is it a mathematical function, or did you free-hand it? Nice project.
That is stunning! Thank you for sharing!
Hi, thank you for your comments!
There are spacers (the table is half empty:) made with the plywood scraps, that also serve to screw and glue the ribs. 2 entire sheets of plywood have been used, so the table is quite heavy, but easily lifted by 2 people. Design has been done from mathematical functions.
Waited until I got this painted and finished to post here, but this is my first project with my setup. Made this sign for my dad’s birthday. (He has a Barracuda drag car and lots of mopar decorations, and wanted a sign to hang in his car trailer).
Seeing the sign, I want to post something I have made for a very dear friend.
First I primed a piece of particle board twice. Painted it twice again with white. Added an adhesive film to it, and carved through the adhesive (and part of the particle board). Two more layers of primer, and two or three layers of rose spray, completed with a cut out of the ellipse completed the sign.
Great idea for a temporary paint booth!
Plaque for a buddy, commemorating how he blew a disc reeling in a fish. It was a pretty big fish, but I felt he needed a plaque to put under the mount.
It still needs a few coats of polycrylic, but I’m waiting for the stain in the letters to finish curing. I laid it in heavy to get them nice & dark for contrast.
My daughter moved out and wanted a place for her cutlery. Instead of building a box, I re-used an old 2x4 (or similar).
To create it, I laid out the cutlery on the table, took a picture, used Inkscape to make an outline around the pieces, and moved each piece around until it fit in the width and height of the wooden block I had laying around.
The first tries were wrong because I made a mistake in Inkscape causing the cutouts to be too small. In the end, I succeeded and using my spray booth setup from earlier painted it in a color she wanted.
the table has now been sanded and varnished, and installed, here are some new pics.
That was quite a long journey, but very interesting!
Thats a beautiful table!
Thanks! It is even better in reality (due to my poor photography skills ;): it does not look ‘compressed’ like in the pictures, but very light, and appears different from every angle
lovely… would like to try it… do you have a dxf file? still new (got my machine 5 days ago lol) to CNC and this forum…
We don’t have dxf files to share, specific CAD and CAM have been developed within OpenCascade and FreeCad macros, and are everything but user-friendly and reusable without context.
As an advice, if you are new to CNC and Maslow, I would recommend not to start with this kind of project, but to try more ‘standard’ and proven designs first (less parts, simpler forms, no headaches at assembly time, … in order to train.
A few things over the last few months:
Trail Map carved into plywood.
The finished project, with the trail map carved and the nature preserve carved and painted. This was an Eagle Scout project.
A Christmas gift to a fellow named Roger. Stained the surface, and left the v-carve un-stained.
I’m a big fan of v-carving as you can see.
My first sign ever (not counting one test cut in cheap wood) has been colored, sealed with acryl paint and framed. On one side the logo is not centered because i had a “USB connection loss”, did not re-calibrate chains and did overcompensate for the expected discrepancy.
Today I cut some carbon composite for a friend of mine. VERY slow, with 200mm/min and 0.4mm depth, a brand new bit. But it worked
I did a test cut before (and did not forget to take a picture):
I stopped the cut midway through because the piece became loose.
This shows the quality of the cut:
Looks great. How did you deal with the carbon fiber dust? Can be pretty harmful stuff if inhaled. If you have a good vacuum solution, I’d like to see it as mine leaves a lot to be desired (and usually requires a lot of extra clean up after a long cut )
My vacuum is everything but great. I wore an FFP3 mask, which is pretty good for this kind of application. And after the job threw my clothes into the washer