I shouldn’t but I did and have no idea how to put it back together.
I opened a unused motor.
The shafts for the gears are on the lid. Did not know that.
Who of the gear failure contributors would be willing to open this part and share a look?
I am hunting for a device that beeps and it’s not in the gearbox and not on the encoder.
Finding the answer might kill your motor forever, so consider wise before helping.
I consider this as fake news because I heard it several times and today took a witness to confirm where it’s coming from.
Edit: I had the witness press the ‘pull tight’ the second time so I would be on the ladder to make sure the sound is from the left motor.
Edit2: What would you like? The gopro is in the workshop and ready to record if a video would help.
Edit3: I am sure there is a beeping device in my left motor and I asked for help to find it.
Trying to convince the community that this device does not exist is counterproductive.
something I did not know, still I think I need to provide audio.
Will do the audio as soon as I wake up and cure the hangover,
I’m confident that the audio will get us closer together.
Same pitch beeps in a accurate sequence. I will try to make a video.
If still someone is willing to open the motor i would highly appreciate.
The beeping noise is caused by the PWM signal which controls the motor. You don’t normally hear it while the motor is rotating, but when it stalls the noise is much more audible because the winding’s aren’t spinning anymore and just oscillate in place
The choices in the audible range would be 490Hz or 4100Hz. The motor probably wouldn’t be resonant at both frequencies, so changing the Advanced setting for ‘PWM frequency’ should switch the sound on/off, all else being the same.
I’ve got a notch in my hearing around 4000Hz, so not much help, but it wouldn’t surprise me to find that the motor was ‘singing’ under full load at one of those freqs. It was exposure to that kind of noise that wore the notch in my spectrum . Hearing protection wasn’t “a thing” back in the day…
My motors both sing after every movement. They have a lower tone when actually turning, but after each actual movement of the cog, they hold a higher pitched tone for a few seconds.
I think singing steppers are pretty cool, don’t understand why so many YouTubors play annoying music instead of delightful machine operating sounds.
Motor singing sounds, per somebody like AvE, mean they weren’t properly dipped to fix the windings in place and shorten the motor’s lifetime by abraiding off the insulation. Not to worry here, the plastic gears will wear out long before that happens.