Z axis calibration problem

Here is my set up on the right side, if that helps. We’ve been wondering, since this is a newer setup and no one seems to have it in the videos, etc. if it may be causing problems, but we did get it cutting and working earlier until we tried to calibrate the Z-axis. Is it okay to use this setup or is this causing trouble for us?

So I looked at the firmware code and there’s no positional error checking on the z-axis. So if you did a z-axis move (and no other moves, i.e., used the z-axis popup to raise/lower it), there’s no reason for that error message to appear.

As for the chain lengths error… what that message is saying is that the machine thinks the left chain is extended 97.65 mm and the right chain is extended 17.33 mm. Those are such short lengths of chain, that there’s no way the sled could be attached and therefore, the machine can’t figure out where the sled is located.

The two issues may be interrelated. Reset the chain lengths and attached the sled. Right now, the controller doesn’t know how long the chains are extended.

Correct - that’s what I thought about the error message and why I thought it might be a coding error from the beginning. The Z-axis test doesn’t and shouldn’t engage the X or Y axis at all - and they don’t buzz, so they’re not physically engaging.

The sled is and has been attached and roughly in the middle of the working area (4x8 board).

As to the chain issue, you’re suggesting we recalibrate from the beginning? Or can I just manually input the values?

I manually input all of the numbers through the calibration process. At the end, it gave me the same numbers it created on its own when we did the full process.

Now, when I try to have it move the Z-axis, it gives me no errors but it still will not move the Z-axis and the buttons do nothing.

I closed out Ground Control and then reopened the program to see what it might do and it gave me the error messages about the chain lengths again.

You can’t manually input chain length values (or at least I don’t think you can). You have feed out the chain using the Actions → Set Chain Length - Automatic. But, before you do so, go to Advanced Settings and make sure the Extend Chain Distance equals 1651. Then, after you extend the chain and right after you attach the sled (don’t do a return to center or hit any other buttons) mark the links that are sitting on the top sprocket tooth with something. This will allow you to quickly reset the chain lengths if you ever have to again…

Is the z-axis enabled in settings (Maslow Settings → Z-axis Installed)

Okay -

1651 check
Z-axis enabled check
manually entering the numbers - I read instructions somewhere just to go to actions > calibrate > enter in the numbers from that dialog as if you did what it told you to do. This puts all of the numbers back where they were when it passed the test last time. The only thing it doesn’t do is adjust the sprocket teeth to be at 12 o’clock.

I’m following the link you sent to manually reset chains to try that.

yeah, well, don’t do that :slight_smile: You need to have the machines extend the chains… (at least once so you can use that wiki post routine).

Just to be clear, run the Actions → Set Chain Length command completely… just mark the particular link thats on the top tooth of each sprocket before you return to center or any other moves so you can use that wiki post if you ever need to reset the chains later on.

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I did all of that. I now have bright pink fingernail polish marking the chain sections as per the instructions.

After it calibrated the chains, I was able to set Z-Axis at zero (I manually adjusted the bit and told it to set that as zero and it did). However, I told it to raise and lower the bit just to see if the buttons would work. When I pressed the raise button, the Z-Axis made a noise and then it gave the error message about the sled just like before.

To be clear, the sled did not move and neither the X or Y motors engaged. It just said that the sled was a problem. Also, to be clear, after the calibration, I tested the motors and they moved the sled without any problem and passed, so the sled is not really an issue and it only seems to pop up in relation to the Z-axis.

Are you able to move the sled x,y using the directional errors (after this error message)?

when I tell it to test the motors now, it does nothing. No error message, no movement, no noise.

This was using the test motors/encoders feature?

Press the stop button and see if you can issue commands again.

that allowed me to test the motors. they all passed

what next?

Can you use the directional arrows to move the sled?

“the sled is not keeping up …”

that’s after a brief buzz

It also added this to the right hand side dialogue…