Ground Control message continually toggles from "Connected" to "Not Connected"

  1. The arduino IDE is still open. Forgot about this one. If its open, they could bounce back and forth grabbing the comm port. Close the IDE if it is.

Check and make sure the comm port didnā€™t get reassignedā€¦

Donā€™t know, more of a speculation on my part because Iā€™ve seen the connect/disconnect with an unprogrammed arduino.

Thank you - I moved the cords around and the problem seems to have stopped. I say ā€œseemsā€ because I quit using the machine anyway. As soon as I compared the cuts to the template I had made from a poster company, I bagged the Maslow. The cuts are still skewed (differently than before).

I have no idea what this means. IDE?

I have no idea how an arduino loses its programming. I have no idea how to check if a comm port got reassigned or what that means.

Thank you - I moved the cords around and the problem seems to have stopped. I say ā€œseemsā€ because I quit using the machine anyway. As soon as I compared the latest cut to the template I had made from a poster company, I bagged the Maslow. The cuts are still skewed (differently than before) and after several weeks on the forums and trouble-shooting and getting one thing fixed only to have others creep in, Iā€™m done trying. Worst investment ever. I appreciate all of your help. The product is just too glitchy to be worth more effort.

when it looses the connection in the middle of the cut, you will need to reset
the chains.

the disconnection can be caused by electrical interference in the USB cable,
with the router being a very noisy souce of such interference, if you happen to
have the USB cable running alongside the power cable you can run into grief.

This is one of the reasons why the pi/webcontrol option is such a big advantage,
it lets you have a very short USB cable.

David Lang

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