Maslow4 in France! Order 10516

Hi, I just receive my maslow 4 in France (near Bordeaux)

I started working on it today, I can’t wait to test it :smiley:

How many Maslow4 user are in France?

Edit: I forgot to say that, I paid 141€ more for customer tax…
But delivery in one week

Regards, Kawa.


You can check here:


First step finish ! I work on it tomorrow now…
Just a question, it’s normal to have this length of belt out of the spool?
Or I can cut the excess when I finish calibration ?

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Yes that’s pretty normal. Bar and company provided a generous amount of belt, so much that some people have had issues getting it all on the spool. The motor should be able to wind the belt onto the spool tighter that you can by hand, so it should be okay.

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Yep. Best to let it wind itself up so you don’t risk any slippage from loose hand-winding.

At this point (when you go to mount it for the first time) I would just extend all and retract all before doing another extend all to put it on the anchors.


Hi! Finally I finish to assemble it!

it’s all good, just, I made 2 spacer of 3.5mm under the arm and I put new screw (little more long, M3x16)

After it, I try to connect to my Maslow Wifi, I put the pswrd “12345678” all is connected but nothing more happend… I try to put on chrome and Mozilla but nothing happen
Anyone have an idea?

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If I remember correctly, the Maslow’s network is unprotected by default. You shouldn’t need a password. At least, I don’t remember needing one to connect a laptop for the first time, and I’ve connected 3 different laptops.

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Hmmm I would expect you to be able to connect to the machine like that. Can you try a different computer or phone?

It would be nice to create a heat map, or pushpin of where the M4 has headed.

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I tried with 2 pc, one phone and one tablet…

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I read this in the user guide


I’m suspecting my profile sync pulled the saved wifi network over to my other machines before I attempted to connect, which would explain why I don’t remember seeing it when I connected the machines, because I would have only done it once. Thanks for calling it out.


That is very strange, I haven’t seen that issue before. You can connect, but then when you navigate to you can’t connect.


When you connect to the network do you get a popup on any of the devices asking you to login?

You could try running the “Full_Install.bat” if you want to fully wipe the board and start fresh to see if something funky is going on there

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So, I tried with another laptop today, I’m connected on the maslow network but i’ve this logo

(I think it’s normal)
I go on chrome, I write in the search bar but it’s loading always and always but nothing work
The maslow have Green fix light but nothing more (the fan is off, idk if he need to start when you turn on the m4)

How do you install “Full_Install.bat”?
I mean, if I can’t connect to my M4 how i can update the firmware? USB C?
EDIT: I found the “how to install.txt” :sweat_smile:
Sorry i’m not the best for it >< If possible I do something wrong but idk what…

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I ran the “Full_Install.bat” and it’s working! Many thanks @bar
For information, my M4 make a motor noise all the time when it’s not working but after new install all noise are stopped and I can run on chrome
If it can help someone :man_shrugging:

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Do you mean something like this? Are We Neighbors? The Return of the Maslow Map (optional)

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It’s alive!
I retract the belt and everything is ok ^^
I just need to make my frame now


Excellent! I am glad to hear it! That one had me stumped :grinning:

Today I build my “frame”! On the concrete, 3400x2500 for try to have the best cut area possible with my space

4 inserts M10 (Ø12 holes) and 4 little no haed screw for protect the thread when it’s not used

Tomorrow I do my first calibration, after I buy some plate of plywood


Today I did my first cut! I’m really happy, it’s working good :smiley:
I just need new cutter bit, I test helicoidal bit but it’s not working really well, I wait new one i’ve ordered today, I hope it came tomorrow for new test