Metal Maslow Z-axis pitch change

I just put together my new metalmaslow with the faster (8 pitch angle) z-axis. I understand that I need to change the pitch angle in the software, but don’t know where to do that. Any help is appreciated.
Thanks Joe

Never mind, the good folks over at Metal Maslow answered what turned out to be a super easy question. For anyone that has a similar question, in ground control, under the settings tab, you can simply click on z-axis pitch and change it to whatever. Thanks MetalMaslow!

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What did you change yours to? 180.34mm?

I changed it to 8.0, it seemed to work although I only did a small test cut. I am hoping to do a real project cutout tonight.

I am not super smart at the settings, so I am not sure how the 8.0 that I had for the pitch would compare to the 180.34 mm you mentioned.

Hope this is helpful.

I changed it to 8.0, it seemed to work although I only did a small test cut. I am hoping to do a real project cutout tonight.

I am not super smart at the settings, so I am not sure how the 8.0 that I had for the pitch would compare to the 180.34 mm you mentioned.

Hope this is helpful.

Oh I’m sorry I think I misread what you were saying. The pitch, yes, should be -8. I was talking about the radius, should be 180.34mm. Or that’s what I was told to set it at.

You’re going to enjoy that z-axis! I was tinkering with mine today and it’s nice not to have to wait on the router base to plunge the bit into the material. And the upgrade seems more precise too!

This is the rotational radius of the triangulation kit?

Yes, this is the info I was given for the rotational radius of the triangulation kit. “180.34mm or 7.1 inches”. I measured it yesterday, and it’s closer to 184.15mm or 7.25 inches.

Thanks for the extra details, I will double check the radius. I do like the speed of the z-axis. I am now going to have to re-configure my dust collection system. With the basic Maslow, I had the dust capture down to almost 100% collected, it was really nice. Do you have any thoughts on dust collection with the metal maslow? I built a system I hoped would work, but I am back down to 50-75% collected.

@jm.griffin1984 What are you currently doing for dust collection? I am using the stock @Metalmaslow aluminum dust chute connected to an old shop vac through a Dust Deputy and getting good results with MDF. Guesstimate >95%. Pics are here 3D Printed Parts (For those without a 3D Printer).

Hey btodcox,

Thanks for the advice, I configured some flex hose around both sides of the router, but will definitely look at the dust chute at @metalmaslow.

Thanks again,

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I have been looking for the 180.34 for two days now.

Also my z axis pitch is set to 24.8. I was told that the pitch was supposed to be -22. That made the axis backwards and short. I have the last version of the Metal Maslow. I wonder why the numbers are so different.

sounds like it should be 24. It is an 8 pitch screw with a 3:1 gearing (60 and 20 tooth pulleys).

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I’ll give it a shot. I am slowly but surly tightening up my z axis and the correct setting is becoming more important.

Are you using Ground Control, Makerverse or WebControl
Did the setting work/what setting worked best? (or have you even been able to get to it yet?)
What about the orientation of the motor. I think a change is needed to reflect the change in rotation direction relative to Z axis movement

I started with GroundControl and used it for a while. Once I found WebControl I started using it. A couple of days ago I allowed windows to update and GroundControl stopped working (user error). In the new iteration of WebControl triangulation configuration isn’t available so I’m using GroundControl to recalibrate then I’ll switch back to WebControl, importing the configuration.

I use TurboCad to produce DFX files, Estlcam for files, and WebControl for cutting.

In webcontrol, if you have “stock” firmware installed, then triangular calibration will be enabled and holey calibration disabled. If you have “holey” firmware installed, its the other way around.

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My bad. Has there been an update to WebControl recently?

Not that I’m aware of. Last release should be 0.94 from sometime back in May.

Thanks. I’ve read about an advanced user tutorial. Is here one and where would I find it? I can’t tell if I have no skill when searching or things don’t exist.