Taking out my old original maslow from the closet

Hi guys! Please don’t judge me :smile: The last maybe 5 years I got busy in my job and my maslow got stored all this time. By the time, mu maslow acted recklessly and damaged the job but I guess all those bugs were fixed. My question is. Is there a manual or a step by step guide to bring my maslow gen 1 back to life? I want the maslow 4.1 but I have to wait and I got unenployed. Doing projects with my old maslow could help me stay afloat financially. Please Help. And if this question was asked before, I apologize. Everything I see is updated and I don’t see anything for the gen 1. Sorry if I am wrong. Thanks

Here are a few wiki links. Let me know if you are having any problems or questions.

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Thanks a lot my friend. I thought my old maslow was done and expected a, “just buy the current one and toss the old one” but with your response, I have hopes again. Thanks TimS.

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My shield is having some problems. I searched everywhere to see if a store or someone sell one but no luck. Thats a bummer. Mine says 1.2b.

Javy wrote:

My shield is having some problems. I searched everywhere to see if a store or someone sell one but no luck. Thats a bummer. Mine says 1.2b.

what sort of problem is it having? the shields are pretty simple, so it may be
easiest for you to repair it or make a new one yourself. Otherwise you will have
to find someone with an old kit willing to sell you one (not impossible if they
have upgraded to the maslow 4)

David Lang

Thanks for the reply. The z axis is not working. I checked the motor and it works fine. I saw the shield files available and maybe I can send it to a pcb manufacturer then find the components. I tried to fix mine but for some reason, there is no voltage sent to the Z axis. Maybe a broken trace or something.

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That was my first though, but unfortunately that board was designed so long ago that I think they don’t make some of the chips anymore which might make it harder

Bar wrote:

That was my first though, but unfortunately that board was designed so long
ago that I think they don’t make some of the chips anymore which might make it

but if you go through the old forum posts, there were several other board
designs posted, many better than the original.

David Lang

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Did you turn z control on in the webcontrol settings?

Thanks for taking the time to reply guys. Bar, Im huge fan. In webcontrol, testing the motors all work but not the z axis. The z motor works ok on the othe ports. I will buy the maslow 4.1 anyway. But for now, I will search the old forums as David Lan says and find a solution. Thanks again.

There is a toggle in webcontrol for the z axis. Need that on or the motor won’t work. Did you toggle this on?

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Hi again. Yes it is toggled. I manage to find the problem in the board and soldered a few jumpers and now my z axis is working. I would like to be able to make one from scratch for fun anyway and even buy a used one for spare parts. Loving my raised from the dead maslow and even have in mind to sieze the frame to make it a tool storage unit. If you guys would like to see the progress, I would share my little build with you. Thanks for having this great community. Is very refreshing to see people trying to help instead of judging all the time.

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