Very frustrated and overwhelmed with software Fusion360

I have a long relationship with 3D design and 3D printing. One needs the other and are related but are not the same thing. I’m seen almost the same issues in CAD/CAM, at least in the lower cost / no cost arena. I may court some high-end software for testing copies.

P.S. Not making light of the situation but a CNC observation - Machines don’t know anything a human doesn’t tell them.

Thank you

It sounds like there is movement on this!

I’ve reached out to the powers that be at Autodesk and they got back to me right away. They asked that I create an official request for a new post processor which I did here:

The system works by asking the autodesk community up-vote post processors that they want to see so let’s up vote ours and get it implemented!


I might know a programmer that does this for AD. I’ll look into it. I’m sure it might help but wouldn’t circumvent their process.

Thank you

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Already have more than any of the front page. We should be able to get some more votes when you put the link in the next newsletter.

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Everyone cool with me taking credit for this, since I’m the OP? Lol


Looks like there is something happening! It’s been about a year since we started this conversation on the old forum. So stoked to see some action here!


I saw that! Exciting news! :grin: When I get home tonight I’m going to give the new post a go and see what the resulting G-Code looks like. I’ll keep you all posted! :wink:

EDIT: I just found the “sample” button on that page. Lo and behold, we have G-Code!

Maslow Post:

GRBL Post:

Different programs, but I’m mostly looking at the start blocks.

G40 and G17 are unsupported by Ground Control, but otherwise this looks good. I like not seeing the M7/M8/M9 commands, GRBL always added those. Also doesn’t throw in G54 or G28, which is good.


I have been spending some time with Fusion 360, trying to generate gcode.

The thing is I get nice looking simulations like this:

But on Ground control I always get a big circle tangent to the tool plunge point like this:

Does anyone know what causes this?

I have no idea… what post processor are you using in F360? can you share your F360 file?


I’m actually using the first one of the list: Acramatic. (34.5 KB)

I would suggest downloading the Maslow specific post processor.

Here’s a thread with the link


Yes, it fixed it!

Thank you


What caught my eye is the date on the CPS file of 2018-05-01 11:19:56
It looks like several changes have been made since it was originally posted by AutoDesk.

Correct! Use that one or GRBL.


Now that we have a Maslow specific Post Processor, it should be the ONLY recommendation for use with Fusion360.

If you read my post (Optimizing the Fusion360 Post Processor for Maslow) you’ll see that we’ve got a good starting point for customization and experimentation.

While he GRBL post processor should work fine now, I believe that this is a function of GRBL compatibility and is intended to ensure that other CAM interfaces than GroundControl can be used.

Hopefully as MaslowCNC improves and us Fusion360 users gain more experience with the combination (of Fusion360 and MaslowCNC) we will be publishing more specific and configurable Post Processor edits, which would ONLY be appropriate via edits to the Maslow Post Processor.