Which Router for a germany based build?

Hi there,

I want to get me a Maslow Kit in the nearer future, and am now looking into getting a Router that I can use beforehand and later as Part of my CNC. The Ridgid ones are not available in Germany thou, so I have to look into alternatives. Is there Info out there somewhere about what to look out for? Or even an alternative to the ridgit one I should get?

Thanks in advance,

Welcome to the Forum!
What router you get depends on the kit you buy. Are you favouring one?
1 kit allows the use of a makita RT0701 or similar router and even a spindle because of the use of a c-beam for Z-moves.
The Bosch POF 1200 is used quite a lot as an other option:


Hallo Schnyder,

bin zwar in Brasilien nutze einen Bosch GFF 1600 Router.

Ist sehr stark und ich habe den Ring auf dem Schlitten mit 250mm schneiden lassen. Ausserdem, einen der seitlichen stützen abgeschraubt.




Thanks Gero,

I’m not sure jet about which Kit to get. But it should not get too expensive in the beginning. I don’t want to Mod my Router to use it thou, if not needed. As I might want to use it as a handrouter for other stuff I’d ro. It looks like the Makita you mentioned is not available any more, but this one should be the same? https://www.amazon.de/Makita-RT0700C-Blau-Schwarz-Einhandfräse/dp/B007NZHNX2/ref=sr_1_5?s=diy&ie=UTF8&qid=1543239262&sr=1-5&keywords=Makita+RT0700CX2J If so that would be a way to go for me. The Bosch ones seem to need a bigger mod, so this Makita one looks more promissing. Can I use it after building the CNC thou? Of will I need to mod it to much to work with the CNC to use it standalone afterwards? If not I might get a cheaper one for now and get the makita one for the CNC at a later date…

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Hello, I’m from belgium and i bought the recommended AEG. Very nice spindel!

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Looks exactly the same. With a c-beam for Z you do not need to mod that router and can use it by hand as well. You just need a holder like this https://www.aliexpress.com/item/65mm-spindle-mount-for-X-Carve-Shapeoko-2-aluminum-spindle-carriage-for-65mm-diameter-Makita-router/32804771911.html

Make sure the measurement has the correct diameter for the router.


the makita is nice. There also cheaper copies of the makita for about half the price, I’ve ordered $20 one from China for testing but have not had time to test it yet build quality is the same but definitely different motor inside

I actually have the makita too, i use that one for hand routing.
As for the bosch, if you use a linkage kit instead of the ring i think you can still use it as a hand router, the internal mods even give you a better fine adjust.
At times the bosch is as cheap as €75 with some promo’s, i didn’t really feel that bad cutting it appart.
I will still get double functionality out of it as a router table when i find the time to make a router table :slight_smile:

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