Best Router to buy in Europe/The Netherlands

Hi Guys,

Can somebody tell me what the best router is to buy in Europe/The Netherlands?
The Ridged router is hard to get over here.
Would love to get one that is as “plug and play” as possible :slight_smile:

(Hope to get the part kit delivery soon :stuck_out_tongue: )

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I’m in the states, so I’m not as current with the European router market, but two that a lot of people have used are the AEG MF 1400 KE (which is basically a European rebranding of the Rigid) and the Bosch Bosch POF 1200 AE. Both can be found on the tested router list on the wiki:

Both the Bosch and the Rigid also have multiple topics on the modifications and improvements which can be done for them.

Hey Koenzie,

If you buy the bosch this weekend, it will cost you only EUR 75.

I modified the Bosch with the kit from Dag83. The above mentioned narrative walks you through it. Prettt straight forward.
Since the modification I’ve become the proud owner of a 3D-printer so I could supply you with some of the parts as well.

If you go with a separate Z axis mechanism (c-beam or meticulas Z) then you can
go with any router that you can detach from the base, and it’s going to be far
better than converting a router depth mechanism (just not as trivial to get
going) so if you have much work (or additional costs) to do to get the router
depth mechanism to work, just go to a separate Z axis.

David Lang

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Thanks for all the info! I ordered some parts from China to use a alternative Z axis with a Makita router, but I think i’m also going to buy the Bosch to start with.

MdO, I have a 3D printer myself, so I will try that method first, but maybe I will need your help somewhere in the process, Thanks!

I also ordered the Bosch at Praxis :slight_smile: It will be coming in tomorrow.

Maslow parts are shipped from China… with 65 euro extra DHL costs :frowning: